Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lego Robotics Challenge # 1 & 2

Lego Robotics Challenge #1

Lego Robotics Challenge #2

To complete the challenges, our group (Chris, Max, Owen) programmed the car by simply using the move blocks, and having the motors move for a certain amount of time.

It was not as efficient, but it worked out in the end. In order to get it right, a lot of trial and error was needed to find that right times when programming it.

Problems we encountered during the process.
  • Our team struggled to build the actual car to hold the controller
  • As a result, we missed the chance to participate in the actual race against the other teams
    • We ended up having the recreate the challenges ourselves
  • In the video, the car did not move straight, it would go to the right a little
    • We discovered the problem was the the front right wheel was not the same size as the rest
    • Once we replaced the tire, it moved perfectly straight
Revisions that could have been made
  • If given more time, we would have definitely incorporated the sensor inputs when programming the car
    • The ultrasonic sensor could have been used to sense an object in its path. When it gets close enough to that object, we could program it to turn. We could have used it to navigate the course.